The “Guardian of the Ericeira World Surf Reserve” makes the collective call for environmental preservation: everyone – in and out of water – we are guardians of this unique heritage that is waves. The sculpture is installed in the Ribeira d’Ilhas viewpoint, the most media and cosmopolitan of the seven unique waves that constitute the first Reserve in Europe and the second in the world.
Evoking the commitment made five years ago in the defense of the intrinsic values (ecology, nature, surf and local culture) of the Ericeira World Surf Reserve (RMSE), the installation of this sculpture is an initiative of the Municipality of Mafra, Ericeira Surf Clube, the Association of Friends of the Bay of Coxos and the Association SOS Save the Surf, entities that are part of the Municipal Management Council of RMSE.
At the inauguration ceremony, promoted by the aforementioned entities, with the support of the Portuguese Surfing Federation and the National Surfers Association, the sculptor and citizen José Queiroz, author of the sculpture, presented the concept of this piece that he intends to simultaneously appeal to to environmental preservation and to honor generations of surfers
Ericeira's World Surfing Reserve Management Municipal Council
Organ with functions of an advisory nature, of articulation and of cooperation in safeguard matters related to the protected natural landscape of the Reserve, was constituted in 2017. It is composed of two bodies: the Restricted Council (RC), which is the organ of support to the planning and monitoring the situation of the Ericeira World Surfing Reserve (EWSR), it meets, ordinarily, once every six months and, extraordinarily, whenever convened by its president, on his own initiative or at the request of the majority of its members; the Extended Council (EC), which constitutes the advisory body of the Ericeira World Surf Reserve, meets, ordinarily, once a year and, extraordinarily, whenever convened by its president, on his initiative or at the request of, by least one fifth of its members.

• Support for the development of municipal management plans and projects in the EWSR;
• Articulation between the various agents of public and private dynamism, with an impact on this area;
• Concertation of actions and initiatives of municipal interest and monitoring the execution of projects common to the various entities;
• Monitoring of decision-making processes, aimed at safeguarding the protected natural landscape of the EWSR.
RC’s competences (in general)
Safeguarding the specific interests of the RMSE, based on the measures contained in the management instruments, as well as the legal and regulatory rules in force.
EC’s competences (in general)
Appreciation of the activities carried out in the RMSE.
CR’s composition
• Mayor, or whoever he nominates by order, who presides;
• Member, appointed by order of the Mayor, from among the members of the Municipal Management Council of the Ericeira World Surfing Reserve;
• Other members appointed by Ericeira Surf Clube, the Association of Friends of Baía dos Coxos and the Association SOS-Salvem o Surf.
EC’s composition
• Mayor, who presides;
• Councilor responsible for Tourism, who ensures the replacement of the President, in his absences and impediments;
- • Representative of the following organizations: municipal tourism services; municipal environment services; Ericeira Surf Clube; Associação dos Amigos da Baia dos Coxos; Associação SOS- Salvem o Surf; Junta de Freguesia da Carvoeira; Junta de Freguesia da Encarnação; Junta de Freguesia da Ericeira; Junta de Freguesia de Santo Isidoro; GIATUL-Atividades Lúdicas, Infraestruturas e Rodovias, E.M., S.A.; Unidade Local de Saúde; Autoridade Marítima Nacional; Forças de Segurança do Concelho; Águas de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, SA; Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente; Associação Bandeira Azul da Europa; Associação de Pescadores da Ericeira; Associação de Moradores de Ribamar; Clube Naval da Ericeira; Associação de Hotelaria, Restauração e Similares de Portugal; Hostellary; Surf School’s Asssociation; Instituto de Cultura Europeia e Atlântica.