This contract having been signed on the 13th of January, the Sustainability Plan must be presented by the end of 2021, the year in which the World Surfing Reserve (consecrated on the 14th of October 2011) celebrates its 10th anniversary.

This anniversary will be celebrated over a year with a series of initiatives developed by Ericeira Surf Clube, whose EriceiraWSR+10 project was approved (and partially funded) by the European Commission, following an application submitted under the Erasmus+ Sport2020 program.
After the Regulation of the Municipal Management Council and the Management Plan for the Ericeira World Surfing Reserve, this will be another tool of great importance for the future of the only WSR on the European continent.
For the Municipality of Mafra, the Ericeira World Surfing Reserve Sustainability Plan is also a strategic document within the scope of the certification process of this municipality as a Sustainable Destination, an initiative that is in the final stage of completion.